Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inference (Due 2/16)


Summary: Inferences are conclusions we derive from past experiences. They in no way are facts, simply just our interpretations about something. They can lead us to great knowledge, yet if not understood correctly, can lead us to confusion. Inferences can help us make a generalization about an observation. Generalizing the certainty of a situation is based on recurrance, order, relationship and evidence to believe it to be true.

Reflection: I completely agree with everything I have read in this chapter. I believe inferences are strictly subjective. Based on ones culture, values or upbringing, they may come up with different inferences then someone who sees life in a completely different way. If we arrive at a conclusion about something, it is based on association, and that can very from person to person.

FACTS (Due 2/2)

Chapter 3

Summary: This chapter was an overview on facts, on the importance and determination of them. What we all refer to as a fact, may indeed one day change. It can be altered into a new one based on new findings. There are four standards to determine a fact... it's plausibility (does it have credibility), reliability (is it dependable), probability (is there constant repetition to prove the outcome) and verifyability (can it be confirmed). Since facts are not always concrete, these are the standards that are used to define and identify a fact. Although it was once thought that objective feelings were the only way to distinguish a fact and subjective feelings should be set aside to see the truth... it is now found that there are circumstances where they actually come into play.
Reflection: I completely understand what this book is saying about this topic, but it still has not won me over. I strongly believe that a fact is only a fact, if it leaves no room for argument. That whatever I see as a fact, so will you and anyone else that is faced with the same exact situation. I dont think it should matter on your feelings, subjective or objective... or matter on probability and so forth... I believe it should be concrete. That's my opinion!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ch2 - Word Precision

Chapter 2 was about word precision: choice of words, connotations and definitions. Words are our tools to communicate how we feel, think, etc. They illustrate for us our thoughts and perception of something. Therefore, the choice of words we use are very crucial in order to describe what we are trying to comprehend or explain. For example, we can tell someone that a pillow is soft, but to someone that has never felt or seen that pillow, how can they decipher from soft as a cotton ball, or soft as a rabbits fur. The better choice of word, the more descriptive you can get. The bigger your vocabulary is, the more you can see.
Words are also linked with emotions and feelings we associate with them from our own experiences which are called connotations. They are the sadness we associate with the word death, the joy we think of with word newborn, and the sourness we recall with the word lemon. Connotations can be used to manipulate other people's evaluation of a certain word as well.
In order to choose the correct use of word, you must fully understand that word's meaning, or definition. There are many different type of definitions from scientific definitions which are specific and technical, to stipulative definitions which are based on an individual or group agreements. If ever faced with an unfamiliar word, is it beneficial to you to fully understand the use or meaning of it. Thus, you will have a broader vocabulary and a better selection of words, leading you to a more advanced level of reading and comprehension.

This chapter touched on my own struggles. I constantly feel frustration with my vocabulary when I'm trying to describe or define something. I know the choice of words I am using, just aren't the exact ones I would like to use. I don't think that it's due to inadequate education, it's more laziness then anything. I don't take the time to expand my knowledge with language sometimes... I am more the type of person that takes the easy way out by using a more general term or in reading, skipping over the word and not checking on the meaning of it. I notice it more when my 3rd or 4th grader ask me what certain, simple words mean, and I draw a blank, I don't know what to tell them so I have them look it up in the dictionary. Therefore, I do strongly agree with the importance of word precision and how it plays a roll in our everyday life, not just in reading and writing.